Wednesday, September 23, 2009


CD: Saw 5 or 6 li’l bros begging tday near my aptmt.

MT: That sucks, dude. What is world comin 2?

CD: It makes U, like, want 2 do sumthing. :0(

MT: Could be a book, bro. :0)

CD: Yeah well tell that 2 my publisher.

MT: What up there?

CD: My numbers are lo.

MT: U trust him?

CD: No way.

MT: Hey man, don’t give up.

CD: Same to U. BTW how’s your fam?

MT: Not great, man.

CD: ????

MT: Totally my fault, dude.

CD: ????

MT: Messed up, bigtime. Got hustled.

CD: Oh man. How bad?

MT: You don’t wanna no.

CD: That bad?

MT: Worse. Like, ruined.

CD: Need a gig?

MT: Scribe type?

CD: No, man. Stand up.

MT: Like, in stage?

CD: Yeah. It means $$$$. Bigtime.

MT: You’re shitting me.

CD: No way. Can U get over here?

MT: There?

CD: I could get U a couple gigs.

MT: Awesome! When?

CD: Let me no when U can come over.

MT: I’m on it!

CD: Gotta run. Namaste, bro.

MT: Later, man. Thanx.



Kiesa said...

You definitely have an ear for dialogue! Cathy, I think this parody absolutely encapsulates what troubles me about Twitter -- the emptiness!

McCotta's Blog said...

I'm glad you caught that. That's exactly what had me steamed up when I wrote it. Thanks,