Friday, June 12, 2020

In the Woods

In the Woods

Detritus pitched every which-
way, dark rot and loam laid
bare. Troubled patches
everywhere along the path. 

This is wild turkeys’ work.
Tossing leaf cover aside,
grubbing around like a rush
of lady shoppers at a sale bin.

Dog has no curiosity about
turkey scratch. Instead she
inspects tall weed or grass
(top to bottom) with her

omnipotent nose, quivering
moist planet of  jet beads.
Being thorough, she re-sniffs
(bottom to top) with dainty

precision for traces of the four-
footed. Deer, fox, raccoon,
rabbit. Bobcat. Bear. Coyote.
I dodge a scat pile   or two,

dreading most the coyote’s
tarry rope, clotted with bones
and fur, the final turd’s wispy
flourish   a killer’s last word.

Cathy Larson Sky 
April 04, 2020
Scratch: National Wild Turkey Federation
Dog in woods: Cathy Larson Sky
Coyote scat: 2013 Kim A. Cabrera